Grundon Waste Management underlined its commitment to the facilities management sector when it hosted an event for around 40 members of the IWFM Home Counties region recently.
The evening event was held at the Lakeside Energy from Waste (EfW) facility at Colnbrook in Berkshire, and included a tour of the plant as well as presentations and networking opportunities in the adjacent education centre. The EfW is a joint venture between Grundon and Viridor.
Beverley Mason, Business Development Manager at Brayborne Facilities Services, who is a IWFM committee member, said: “It was an excellent evening and very well received. Everyone was impressed by the visit to the EfW and for many it was a real eye-opener to be able to see how all the waste is disposed of.
“A big thank you to Grundon, for their time and hospitality and for sharing their expertise with our members.”

The evening included a round-up of IWFM news and training, after which Hettie Orpin, Deputy Chair, introduced Neil Grundon, Grundon’s Deputy Chairman, who provided an overview of the company’s history and its expertise in waste and recycling, before moving on to new ideas, services and innovation.
Bradley Smith, Grundon’s Sales & Marketing Director, talked about the company’s track record in supporting facilities managers and their colleagues across a wide range of industries.
“This event was an excellent opportunity to meet many IWFM members and their guests and we were delighted to be able to host the evening in such an interesting setting,” said Bradley. “It gave us a further opportunity to hear first-hand about some of the issues FMs deal with, such as compliance and employee engagement, topics which are close to our heart as well.”
The event also gave members the chance to see the bins at the heart of Grundon’s newly-launched Paper Cup Recycling service. Guaranteeing 100% recycling, the service even gives customers the ability to buy back paper made from cups which have already been recycled.
Grundon also provided a bottle of champagne as a raffle prize, raising around £80 for the IWFM’s charity of the year.
Grundon’s commitment to the FM sector has included becoming a corporate sponsor of the IWFM Home Counties region, regularly attending FM shows, providing expert advice through training and education events for FMs, and recently sponsoring an FM managers’ survey.