Grundon and Forest Green Rovers make waves with beach clean

On 26 July 2024, a team of dedicated volunteers from Grundon and Forest Green Rovers, along with young ambassadors, came together at Weston-super-Mare beach to help combat beach pollution through a clean-up effort.

One of the pressing issues facing our natural landscapes is beach pollution. Our volunteers set out to clean up a local beach, determined to make a difference. Armed with sacks and high-vis vests supplied by Grundon, the enthusiastic group scoured the beach collecting discarded waste that not only ruined the shorelines but posed a severe threat to marine life and ecosystems.

Our Grundon volunteers removed litter and guided FGR’s young ambassadors through the ins and outs of waste, discussing the impact of each material found, and what should rightfully be on a beach – which is nothing but sand, shells, and natural beauty. The collected waste didn’t just end its journey there. Committed to closing the loop, Grundon ensured that the waste was taken back to our facilities, where it underwent a sorting process before being sent for recycling and recovery.

Grundon and FGR’s partnership, which kicked off back in 2012, has been a real game-changer in supporting numerous community initiatives to drive sustainability and environmental consciousness. The football club, based in Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, has been on the ball to improve its waste management, working closely with Grundon to achieve its goal of recycling 100% of its waste.

Beyond waste management, Grundon and FGR have long teamed up in impactful community projects. This includes the FGR Ambassador Scheme, which Grundon have supported since its inception in 2015. The scheme sees around 100 youngsters from 60 schools and colleges spreading the word about sustainability and participating in activities to learn more about how they can protect the planet.

We’re proud to have committed to continuing our support for FGR and the Ambassador Scheme for another two seasons (2024/25 and 2025/26).

Together, our partnership is a force for positive change, ensuring the only thing left in the sand was our footprints.