Our commitment and pioneering approach to providing our customers with an industry-leading range of environmentally friendly treatment and disposal options led us to build the UK’s first High Temperature Incinerator for clinical and hazardous wastes in 1990.

Having pioneered this technology and through the progression of legislation, we have since updated our facility based in Colnbrook, Berkshire, with our modern High Temperature Incinerator now proving to be of regional and national significance, as well as being a core part of our integrated waste management infrastructure.
High Temperature Incineration provides secure destruction and disposal of difficult wastes, ensuring that they are completely destroyed and that they are not released into the wider environment.
Our High Temperature Incinerator is suitable for disposing of a variety of hazardous waste, including:
- Solid hazardous waste (powder, pastes, pills, resins and sludges)
- Packaged hazardous waste
- Controlled substances (e.g. drugs and tobacco)
- Laboratory chemical waste
- Radioactive waste
The High Temperature Incinerator also compliantly disposes of a range of healthcare and clinical waste generated by NHS Trusts, hospitals, doctors’ surgeries, dental practices, nursing and care homes, veterinary surgeries, research facilities, universities and educational institutions, as well as numerous other healthcare related producers. The facility provides a secure disposal route for yellow bagged clinical waste containing highly-infectious materials, sharps bins, cytotoxic or cytostatic waste, pharmaceutical waste and anatomical waste.
We also offer witness to destruction for the secure disposal of confidential waste and we will provide you with a certificate of destruction.
How does the High Temperature Incineration process work?
Waste weighing
All waste is weighed on arrival at the High Temperature Incinerator, providing our customers and the Environment Agency with accurate reporting statistics.
Waste storage
Waste is then either sent direct for incineration or in stored in a secure storage area which has 24 hour CCTV monitoring.
Waste incineration
Waste is incinerated in the primary combustion chamber where it is burnt for a minimum of six hours, with any gases drawn into the secondary combustion chamber, enabling pharmaceutical or chemical agents to be burnt off at a minimum of 1,110°C, in line with our strict Environment Agency permit.
Gas release
Emissions regulations are adhered to at all times, with flue gas treated with lime and carbon before being released into the atmosphere.
Generate electricity
Not only does High Temperature Incineration divert waste from landfill, but the heat created during the process is exported to our Energy from Waste facility to power a steam turbine which generates electricity.
Our High Temperature Incinerator provides a safe, controlled and environmentally friendly disposal route for your clinical and hazardous waste.
High Temperature Incineration minimises that environmental impacts of disposing of your waste as it diverts waste from landfill, and the heat that is generated during the incineration process is used to power a steam turbine which generates electricity.
The facility, which processes nearly 1.5 tonnes of waste per hour and operates under a strict environmental permit, has its own pollution control equipment and is capable of operating independently of our Lakeside Energy from Waste facility with which it is co-located and shares a stack. The facility is also fitted with the latest gas scrubbing technology to ensure that all emissions meet the stringent standards set by European legislation.
When providing secure treatment and disposal options for clinical waste, our High Temperature Incinerator complements our Alternative Treatment facility, which is located nearby in Maidenhead. The combination of these two treatment options provides us with a reserved contingency capacity for any periods for maintenance shut downs or either facility, which allows us to provide security and continuity of service for our customers.
Our High Temperature Incinerator offers a sustainable outlet for the secure disposal of your clinical, confidential and hazardous waste. It is yet another excellent example of how our state-of-the-art treatment facilities can reduce the financial and environmental impacts of your waste, whilst ensuring that you remain fully compliant with all relevant waste legislation and regulations.